
First Visit

Welcome to our clinic and congratulations on taking your first step towards better health. We are here to serve you and thank you for trusting Dr. Jim with your health care.

The first visit will take between 30 - 45 minutes . After filling out patient intake forms, the doctor will conduct a thorough assessment, including;

  • An orthopedic and neurological examination
  • Application of Hot Packs
  • You will receive your first adjustment on your first visit as well.

Second Visit

The second visit usually takes place within the week of the first chiropractic treatment, and is typically 15 -30 minutes in length. During this visit, the doctor will;

  • Review your exam and history
  • The doctor will assess your body’s response to the first treatment.
  • You will also receive specific muscle and nerve testing to determine which muscles, joints and nerves that have impacted your body’s healing abilities and dysfunctions.
  • Spouses or family members are welcome and encouraged to accompany you on this visit to assist them in understanding the extent of your health issues.
  • This is where we can discuss customized care options and a plan of action reviewed to help you get out of pain as quickly as possible.

Future Visits

Not everyone presents with the same injuries.  There may be similar pain in similar areas, but there may be differences in the “root cause” of the pain and dysfunctions.  This will play a big part in each patient’s future visits.

We provide and educate stretch and exercise programs to help the process of healing.  Dr. Jim will help you to understand the importance of proper muscle activation and deactivation that helps stabilize the region(s) injured.

Canyon Chiropractic

484 Old Corvallis Road
Hamilton, MT. 59840


Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Wed — Office Closed
8:30am — 12:00pm
2:00pm — 5:00pm



We are providers for:

We Accept: